
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

It's All Portuguese to Me! Part 4. Dairy/Meats/Seafood

Brazilian Cooking Terms and Ingredients Made Easy

Part 3 -  Dairy/Meats/Seafood

So either in you live in Brazil, and are having trouble figuring out what flour is called here, or you are outside of Brazil trying to make a Brazilian recipe, and can't figure out what the heck "farinha de trigo" is! This section is here to help those in situations like these. Check back often because I will update this particular entry everytime I think of something else. It is important to know what ingredients translate into, and what cooking terms mean. Once you master this part of it, you'll be able to breeze through any Brazilian recipe. If I'm missing anything, feel free to send me an email!


Leite Integral - Whole Milk
Leite 2% - 2% Milk
leite desnatado - Skim Milk
Leite com Chocolate - Chocolate Milk
Leite de Soja - Soy Milk (non dairy, but I found it best put in here)
Leite de Cabra - Goat's Milk
Leite sem Lactose - Lactose Free Milk
Leite de Amêndoas -Almond Milk
Leite de Arroz - Rice Milk
Leite Cru - Raw Milk (Straight from the cow)
iogurte - yogurt
creme - cream
creme de leite - heavy cream 
Queijo Fresco - Fresh Cheese a.k.a - Fresh Minas Cheese
Queijo Mussarela - Mozzarella Cheese
Queijo Gorgonzola - Gorgonzola Cheese
Queijo Cheddar - Cheddar Cheese
Queijo Gouda - Gouda Cheese
requeijão - A unique-to-Brazil cheese spread. Very much like cream cheese only totally creamy
queijo cremoso - a possible use for Cream Cheese
queijo tipo cottage - Cottage Cheese
Queijo Parmesão - Parmesan Cheese
nata - Sour Cream (but really... real sour cream does not exist in Brazil)
maionese - mayonnaise
manteiga - butter
Cream Cheese - Mainly you will find actual cream cheese called that in English
chantilly - whip cream

ovo - egg
ovo de codorna - quail egg


carne - meat (yet a lot of Brazilians refer to beef as carne and call everything else by it's name)
carne de porco - Pork
bife - the real word for beef 
frango - chicken
codorna - quail
pato - duck
carneiro - lamb 
Peru - Turkey
sapo - frog
peixe - fish
salsicha - sausage
calabresa - pepperoni
presunto - ham
salame - salami

camarão - shrimp
lagosta - lobster
caranguejo - crab
frutos do mar - seafood
vieiras - scallops
lagostins - crawfish
atum - tuna
salmão - salmon
bacalhau - cod
anchova - anchovy
sardinhas - sardines

ostra - oyster
molusco - clam


  1. Just found your blog and I just have to say thanks! I'm moving to Brazil and want to cook like a Brazilian but don't know Portuguese yet. This blog will be very helpful!

    1. Thanks Ashley. Be sure to check back often and please shoot me an email anytime. I love to help!

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  3. Very helpful term's for cooking a variety of foods and seafoods and fish and several ingredients several oils and dairy products and fats and condiments and cooking terms..

  4. "This is such a helpful guide! Could you also include some terms for common seafood dishes like 'moqueca' or 'bacalhau'?"
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  5. "I appreciate the updates on Brazilian terms — it's so tricky finding accurate translations. Could you add some vegetarian meat substitutes too?"
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